Daily Outfits North America Summer Travel


July 13, 2016

Let’s be honest. The only reason I explored Harbourfront was because of the newly opened Boxcar Social. I was in desperate need of their iced almond latte plus some interior inspo for the Instagram feed. You can’t go wrong when you visit these guys. And they are SO FRIENDLY. Like I said, I appreciate good service and will forever keep supporting places I love.

So what do you guys think of my new concepts for the blog? Do you like it? Don’t care about it? Want to see more fashion and outfit inspo? I haven’t really heard a peep from anyone. Kinda crying inside. Comments are at an all time zero. Lols. I recently caught wind of something Damselindior did on her Instagram account. She asked her followers their thoughts because her social media engagement was at an all time low. I’m not being sarcastic though. I truly want to know what you think!

After some much needed coffee, we walked around Harbourfront and bumped into some really cool views and architecture. But you know what we forgot to shoot? The water front. *slapping forehead* What a fail! As we were about to head out, we saw Miku Restaurant from across the street. I’ve been wanting to try this Japanese restaurant forever. I dragged the hubby and we were on our way to eating fresh and delicious Sushi and Sashimi. If you visit, make sure to try the pressed sushi or “Oshi Sushi”. So very tasty. The sashimi was fresh, but I expected it to be for the price tag. Finished off the meal with a deconstructed Pina Colada. Loved the texture, tartness and eye candy.

Explore. Stop. Stare. Photograph. Repeat.

See on the next blog post!














Coordinate Blazer, Trouser and Slides, Zara (from their recent sale)
Celine Trapeze
La Moda Sunglasses

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  • Reply sammi :P July 13, 2016 at 1:40 am

    im currently flooded with hmk, but here to support!! hwaiting tee! I think that engagement is low because nowadays ppl don’t go on insta or blogs as much….imo snapchat and twitter are more popular xD you must’ve worked so hard on your posts so I hope things turn out well for you! Have a nice week:)

    • Reply Tee July 13, 2016 at 11:02 am

      Haha! I hope you get an A+ on your homework! What I love about blogs is that there is more material then just the one photo or one snap. If you’re looking at a certain piece of clothing that you like, then the blogger is able to give you multiple images so you can make an informed decision on the product. Or if you’re looking for ideas, inspiration or information, the blog is a great read. Snapchat is totally fun though. Love that app! Xx Tee

  • Reply Jennifer July 13, 2016 at 6:59 am

    Actually I prefer blogs like yours and Instagram for information. Snapchat is fun but is mainly of people’s legs walking around or using the funny filters which is cute but not as informative in my opinion. So keep up the good work, I enjoy your blog!

    • Reply Tee July 13, 2016 at 10:59 am

      Hi Jennifer! Thank you so much for your lovely comment. It’s nice to know people still like to take the time to read the content! Xx Tee

  • Reply Boxcar Social July 13, 2016 at 12:52 pm

    Beautiful photos!

    • Reply Tee July 13, 2016 at 7:56 pm

      Thank you Alex! Love Boxcar!

  • Reply TEE-DOT LONG WEEKEND – ThatSoTee July 30, 2016 at 11:56 pm

    […] decided to wear my favorite blush/peach blazer from Zara. I bought the coordinate set as seen in my previous post here. Paired it with adorable Zara slides from their new AW 2016 collection and an even more adorable […]

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