Happy mama’s day to all of the amazing mom’s out there!
No family is perfect, and if you’re anything like my family, your mom was the glue that kept you together. I am forever thankful for all that she has done for us, taught us, and instilled in us. She will forever be in my heart and forever missed, and her memory never faded. Let’s be grateful for all the things our parents have done and never take them for granted. Show your love year round, make time and spend time with them regularly, connect with them. Time is too short not to.
ALSO! Happy one year friendship anniversary to my girl NINA! We met on Instagram and have such a great bond, I love her so much!
Sorry to keep this short (and somewhat serious), but heading into the studio now to prep for a show tonight. Make sure to catch it on my Snapchat “Thatsotee”.
Have an amazing day lovelies!
Black Blazer, similar HERE
Distressed Denim HERE
Black Fringed Sandals (Beware of UK vs US sizing) HERE
Necklace HERE
Silver Mesh Watch HERE
Black Sunglasses HERE
Love the whole outfit! Looks so cozy yet chic 🙂 great job!
Thank you so much Katrina! Xx
such a beauty, inside out! ❥ you!